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1-1 Coaching

"Dave is a great listener who pushes you to dig deep into the depths of yourself. By doing so, you don't only become a better leader but a better person. Dave Hardy is a one of a kind coach."

Coaching Quickstart

  • 3 months of coaching

  • Transformation discovery session

  • Coaching summary report


Coaching Up

  • 6 months of coaching

  • Up to 6 connection calls

  • Transformation readiness index assessment

Coaching Plus

  • 8 months of coaching

  • Five individual coaching sessions (per participant)

  • Therd Way Learning Experiences: “Realization, Confrontation, Transformation, & Affirmation”

  • Exclusive 3-5 member cohort

  • Monthly leadership case studies

  • Personalized leadership development playbook

  • Executive group coaching workbook

  • Future access to the Myndfull Coaching Community

1-1 Coaching Packages

Schedule Your Transformation Today

Career Coaching

​One of the most crucial decisions we make in our lives is how we spend our time. Too often, individuals allocate time to a profession that does fully serve their life’s purpose. Through our coaching approach, we change that and give you back the power that your life and time deserve. We help you find, hold, and experience the professional career you always deserved.

Life Transformation Coaching

We are creatures of habit. More often than not, our habits lead us to places that help us remain safe, comfortable, and complacent. However, there are times when we question our own happiness. Those questions are rooted in our innate desire for what is better for us. Through our transformational coaching approach, we help you unlock your fullest potential and push you beyond the status quo by holding space for you to arrive at where you belong.

Executive Coaching

Leadership is hard and often lonely. The number of daily decisions a leader has to make is no small feat. As you move up in leadership, those decisions only get more complex with fewer people to consult along the way. Through our executive leadership coaching approach, we combine the need for emotional intelligence with the ability to find the answers that live within you to be the executive leader the world is better off having with you leading the way.

Management Development

Everyone wants to wake up and be successful each day. However, the inability to communicate, connect, and confront challenges together sets us apart. Through our training, we give middle managers the tools to manage up to the senior supervisors that empower them, and build stronger relationships with those they are managed by. To learn more about our approach, click here.

Find your professional purpose or career path

Determine your next journey

Determine your next journey

Navigate management in your team

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